Data Structures

CSI33      D01 (32616)

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 pm-3:50 pm, in CP 320

Natalia Novak (preferred, checked frequently throughout the week days) (checked once a day during the week days)
  (approximate weights)
  HWs (20%)
  Quizzes (20%)
  Midterm Exam (30%)
  Final Exam (30%)  
Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python and C++,
by David M. Reed and John Zelle, Franklin Beedle and Assoc.

Office hours:

in-person: Tuesdays, 12:50 pm - 1:50 pm at CP 312
online: Mondays, 11 am - 12 pm via Zoom
  • All homeworks have the due date and must be submitted by the midnight of the due date. Late homeworks are not accepted.
    Example: if the due date is February 23rd, then the latest time for the submission is 00:00am February 24th.

  • When submitting your homework via e-mail:
    1. put HW number in the Subject field, for example: HW 01
    2. attach all the source file(s)(with the extention '.py'), and, when needed, a file with the input and output of your program
    3. your program must run (no syntax errors!)
    4. your code must be well-commented
    5. when I send you back a reviewed homework submission with comments and allow to re-submit your program, do so as Reply; do not compose a new e-mail message.

  • All homeworks must be done on your own. No group work, no copying.

  • Several of the worst homeworks will be dropped.

  • We will have the Midterm Exam and the Final Exam.

  • There will be no extra assignments in order to raise you grade, therefore, do your homeworks, submit them on time; don't miss midterm exam; do and submit the final project, and don't miss the final exam.

  • There are rules in CUNY about attendance. Read them and follow them, please.
We will be using two programming languages: Python and C++

Programming Language: Python 3

You can download the latest distribution of the Python from here:

This distribution includes compiler, standard libraries and a simple IDE IDLE. You can use it, although we will need a more powerful/skillful tool.

You can use any other GUI or IDE for Python, but your program should be able to run in IDLE.

Programming Language: C++
I will be using Visual Studio Community Edition C++ compiler (free):

In general, you can use any other compliler, just make sure that you are not using some special (non-stardard) packages and the code you are sending to me is compilable in Visual Studio Community Edition

Some people like Code Blocks (for all plantforms):

