Trigonometry and College Algebra

D02 Section 51468
Tuesday, Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:50 pm, room CP 309

Instructor: Natalia Novak picture
Work phone number: (718) 289-5411 x 3413
Pre-requisites for this course: MTH 06 or equivalent
“BASIC TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS with CALCULUS”, 10th edition by Allyn J. Washington
(ISBN-13: 978-0-13-311653-3; ISBN-10: 0-13-311653-0)
Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Course Information:
  • Any scientific calculator is recommended for this class.

  • In almost each class you will be given a homework assignment.

    Each homework assignment has a due date, which will be provided, but usually it is one week from the assignment date. Homeworks do not need to be submitted, however the quizzes will be based on the homeworks, and will be graded!

    Group work is higly recommended for the homeworks!

  • We will have quizzes. Quizzes are based on HW assignments, and will be 15-20 minutes long.

  • We will have a Midtem Exam, along with a review/practice class

  • Before the Final exam we'll also have a review/practice class.

  • If you miss a class on any reason it is your responsibility to study the material presented, get the homework assignment, do the homework and submit it on time.

  • There will be no extra assignments in order to raise your grade.
  (approximate weights)
  quizzes (34%)
  Midterm Exam (33%)
  Final Exam (33%)
Attendance Rules: You will be marked present if you come on time. You will be marked late if you come 20 minutes late. You will be marked absent if you arrive after half an hour.

Students who miss more than 5 classes, without a genuine and documented reason will be assigned an academic grade of F.
Syllabus: math13syllabus10ed_spring2019.pdf
Office hours: at CP 122

Mondays, 2 pm - 3pm
Tuesdays, 1pm - 2pm
Tutoring Lab
(CP 303) hours
will re-open shortly

Monday-Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday:     10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday:     10:00 am - 3:00 pm

for any other information about Math Tutoring Lab, please refer to the Tutoring Lab web-page.